Sunday, May 15, 2011

We're back!

We're back in business folks! Our laptop broke a few weeks ago but we have a new resource to use to get back to here it goes.

Surprise! We have a crawler! Will post a video soon, but here's a little something to hold you over.

Avery Jo loves the swing at her Aunt Meg's!

She can sometimes stand at the table too!

Friday, March 4, 2011

Bath time...not so fun

Avery is pretty much able to sit on her own now so we thought it was time to move her to the big girl tub. I thought she would be warmer this way, but you can make your own decisions on whether she liked it or not.

It seems to be going well...

...or maybe not.

She's becoming a big girl!

We spent a lot of the last month swapping germs and learning how to do nebulizer treatments to a 6-month old. But (knock on wood) we're all healthy now and our beautiful girl is making us laugh more every day!

Here are some pictures from the last month...
Avery had her first visit to the children's museum!

She's standing all by herself here folks. It seems my baby girl is going to be a ballerina!
A little doctor's office photo shoot

Riding in the cart with Luke

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Happy Half Birthday Avery JoJo Bugs!

It's a Kebert family tradition to celebrate half birthdays. We can't pass up on tradition so here are some pictures of our party:
Daddy's half birthday in 1984

Avery Jo in her half hat and half bib

Catching the theme yet? Everything is only half!

Playing with Grandpa's mustache

Grandma and me on my half birthday

A table of halves...even the burgers were cut in half.
I like this one Great Grandma!

Kind of looks like she's eating some cake here, but she's not.

Mom, this is torture...why can't I have cake?!?

Party girl playing on her blanket. You'd never guess she has double eye and ear infections!

Avery is so close to rolling from her back to her belly!

Last shots of 5-month-old cuteness

She reminds me of the little girl from "Monsters Inc" here

Do you like "see" food? (Those are peas in her mouth, if you were curious.)

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Avery Jo now eats baby food!

Kory and I decided we wanted to try making our own baby food for Avery. We got a cookbook for Christmas that has all kinds of recipes (not that it's too hard to cook and puree food right now). The book will come in very handy when Avery is a toddler eating actual meals, but it was helpful now too in broadening our ideas of what we could feed her now.

Our first food choice for Avery was butternut squash. It was really easy to make. We just cut it in half and baked it for 45 minutes then scooped it out of the skin and mashed it with the immersion blender. Then a quick trip through the sieve and it was ready to eat! We both tasted it of course, and actually we really liked it! We'll be making it again for ourselves soon.

As for Avery JoJo...she loved it too!

This is what was left of Avery's first real food feeding.

Look at that happy, full girl!

Here's a video of how the first feeding went. I'll warn you, there are no great faces or spitting actions. Our good girl just ate bite after bite, no problems.

I will say I have since fed her the same squash again and the feeding didn't go quite as smooth. She still ate it, but she occasionally shook like she got the eebie geebies. Anyone who knows Momma knows what the eebie geebies are and they aren't good! Let's hope Avery isn't as susceptible to them as I am and can enjoy many foods to come.

More Christmas photos

Avery's post-Christmas Christmas party dinner...looks like Tramp wants some too.

Avery met Pretty Aunt Jeannie. She was a little taken back by why this doll laughs so much.

Avery sat pretty comfortably with Uncle Jeremy. Of course they were watching the Illini game.